Saturday, January 25, 2020

                                                                                                           by   Shashank Maiya
          We observe a lot of heat dissipated from vehicles, it may be electric vehicles or fuel engine vehicles, there is a heat loss, which is one of the main problem in our vehicles.

                Finally, I got an idea to convert heat into electric energy using thermoelectric generator.
Yes, this plan really works, if we build a new design vehicle for keeping this generator, we can use it as an alternating source to drive.

This generator can be made as per circumstances. Which is not going to be an an expensive one, we can manage it.
Lastly, I’m going to say that, if we adopt this to our vehicles, the change starts from you.

Share your crazy ideas with me. Hope you got enjoyed.
  Follow my Instagram shashankmaiya999

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Techy idea

              By Shashank Maiya.

                                We can think of a new way to take the satellite for longer distance. Yes, we should be more creative in searching for new solutions for the existing problems.

  Guys what I am going tell is that I have a new idea of sending a satellite for long-distance. Without any use of excess fossil fluid, this idea may work.
The core portion of the idea
                       The main problem of launching a satellite is the fuel consumption part (or a range of propagation of a satellite). Coming to my idea, the satellite can be sent for long-distance, by Tec monkey mechanism.
Techy-monkey mechanism
                                           According to this mechanism, while launching the satellite, first it should be land on one of the moving asteroid.
           After landing on the asteroid, fuel consumption should stop. The moving asteroid will carry the satellite up to a certain distance. By this, we can conserve fuel consumption.
       We know which direction satellite to propagate, in that direction, checking for another asteroid nearby, which should be almost heading towards the desired direction.
      Again it is to be shifted to that asteroid, after landing, by conserving fuel, we can reach our desired destiny.
      By this method, we can send a satellite for long-distance with a limited amount of fuel.
   The main thing is that landing of a satellite on any surface of the asteroid should be swift and soft is to be maintained.  
It seems to be a time-consuming process but it depends if we got know the asteroid is heading at a particular  time, at that time we can launch the satellite.
           If this idea is adopted, which will be going to be an adventurous one. 
Hence I wish to get a good response to this idea.
   Follow my Instagram shashankmaiya999.
Please also share your ideas with me, hope you got enjoyed.

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